Abortion Activist Rants Outside Catholic Church: ‘I’m Killing the Motherf***ing Babies!’

A woman dressed in a white bathing suit, stuffed in the front to make her appear pregnant, and with dolls hanging from it, ranted outside Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City Saturday, shouting, “I’m killing the motherf***ing babies!” and “God killed his kid, why can’t I kill mine?”

The woman danced around outside the church in the rain, and then complained, “My babies are all wet,” Kathryn Jean Lopez wrote at National Review, referring to this scene as “the most disturbing” of the pro-abortion protest that followed a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade.

FreedomNews TV provided video coverage of the protest, reportedly staged by abortion activist group New York City for Abortion Rights, which blocked the entrance to the Catholic church.

WARNING: Graphic language, disturbing content:

Catholic News Agency reported additional acts of “violence, vandalism, and aggression” in Catholic churches and pro-life centers over the weekend by abortion activist groups in the wake of the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion.

Lopez explained pro-life Catholics had gathered for their longstanding tradition, on the first Saturday of each month, of attending Mass at St. Patrick’s Church, then praying the rosary in a procession to the nearby Planned Parenthood abortion clinic:

This morning, however, we did not process to the sidewalk across from the clinic, because the police advised us not to, saying they couldn’t be sure of our protection. I can confirm there were a lot of new faces, many of these were not the regular crowd protesting prayer. The gal in the bathing suit certainly seemed to be looking for a fight, imploring the priest, Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal – who she repeatedly referred to as “b**ch” – to come out and face her.

Lopez wrote that the abortion activists mocked Moscinski, accusing him of sexually abusing boys, while others chanted, “Thank God for abortion!”

Catholic News Agency also reported abortion activists disrupted a Mass Sunday morning at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. Women dressed in “handmaids” costumes erupted just prior to Communion as they reportedly shouted and unfurled a banner. The activists were apparently escorted out of the church.


The headquarters of Madison, Wisconsin pro-life organization Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) was set on fire Sunday in what police and fire department officials are investigating as an act of arson.

While no one was injured, graffiti outside the building stated, “If abortions aren’t safe you aren’t either.”

According to a police report, a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the building but did not ignite. However, a separate fire apparently was started in response.

WFA President Julaine Appling told News 3 Now someone had thrown Molotov cocktails into her office and had burned books.

“We get veiled and not-so-veiled threats from time to time,” Appling said. “We’ve never had anything that materialized like this.”

Leftist groups, including one that calls itself “Ruth Sent Us,” had urged abortion supporters to protest at the family homes of the perceived conservative justices and to “stand at or in a local Catholic Church” on Mother’s Day.

National pro-life leader Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, tweeted her reaction to the aggression and violence.

“History is going to look back on this moment with total clarity as to which side was good and which was evil,” she observed.

A pro-life pregnancy center in Denton, Texas was also vandalized with graffiti that said, “Not a clinic,” and “Forced pregnancy is murder.”

Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth tweeted, “Please pray for the person who perpetrated this, for their interior healing and moral conversion.”

Judicial Crisis Network President Carrie Severino tweeted regarding the White House’s refusal to condemn the doxxing of the homes of the justices and subsequent protests.

Ironically, one of the most often professed claims of the abortion industry is that women need abortion to achieve happiness, health, and economic security.

However, the abortion activists do not appear to have yet achieved this level of emotional stability promised by the procedure they claim they must have access to in order to survive.

Former Planned Parenthood manager-turned-pro-life activist Abby Johnson noted in December 2021 that this claim is “the greatest lie women have ever been told.”

“I told this very lie to countless women in order to convince them to pay us at Planned Parenthood to get rid of that growing life inside of them,” Johnson wrote in a Fox News op-ed. “It is also the same lie that the abortion industry has built their case on in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization,” the case that is the focus of the leaked draft opinion.

“At its very core, this lie demands you attain justice and equality at the expense of a human being who shares your DNA, who will have parts of your personality and physical qualities, and whose very existence is a miracle,” she added.

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].

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One Thought to “Abortion Activist Rants Outside Catholic Church: ‘I’m Killing the Motherf***ing Babies!’”

  1. Truthy McTruthFace

    evil incarnate
